Morphic Awakening

In the summer of 2015, at about 2:15 AM one morning, my healer and cherished friend Sirriya Din was awakened by a bolt of energy followed by visions of what turned out to be healing protocols. These visions are usually referred to as transmissions or downloads and are received as a gift from a higher consciousness that you might identify as God, Spirit, the Universe, or Consciousness. Historically, you could look at the 10 Commandments or the Hindu Bhagavad Gita as transmissions or downloads. 

Sirriya had practiced several other healing modalities, but when she checked the frequency or power of this new healing modality with the ones she had previously used, she found that this new modality was of a higher frequency. This higher frequency meant that this new healing modality was more powerful in healing mind/body/spirit than the most powerful modalities she had previously used. She named this new modality “Morphic Awakening,” based on her knowledge of the work of Rupert Sheldrake, who was a Cambridge University biochemist who writes about morphic fields. He describes these fields as powerful fields of information, organizing everything in the universe--which includes all of the galaxies, planets, nebulae, stars, our own bodies, our thoughts, and emotions as well as all other forms material and nonmaterial. Morphic fields are interacting with us bi-directionally so that we affect these fields and they affect us.

There is a famous example of how morphic fields of information function described as “the hundredth monkey effect.” This demonstration of morphic fields of information was observed when Japanese scientists were studying snow monkeys on an island off the coast of Japan. They watched as one young snow monkey discovered that washing sweet potatoes made the potatoes more pleasant to eat. Then other monkeys began imitating this behavior, and about the time the hundredth monkey washed a sweet potato, the information jumped to other locations many miles away, and monkeys on other islands started washing their sweet potatoes.

Morphic fields can be composed of either high or low-frequency information, and our healing protocols disentangle our clients and us from low-frequency fields of information and connect us to fields of high-frequency information. As we do this, we are able to realize our highest evolutionary potential.

All of the information we need for this evolution is already in the expansive field of consciousness, and as we remove interferences and our frequencies get higher, we can receive the information--an amplified version of being psychic.

Sirriya and others have experienced an evolution in consciousness, and therefore these protocols are an expression of a more powerful system of energetic healing and transformation. The protocols that have been transmitted can be used to heal physical ailments, emotional pain and trauma, financial and relationship issues, and beautifully facilitate spiritual awakening. There are no words to describe the gratitude I feel for this incredible liberation or the peace and sense of abundance I am experiencing. What is even more touching to me is that these protocols allow for the quick dissolving of our conditioning in this life as well as the dissolving of karma’s—virtually anything that is in our way.

When I first started working with Sirriya, my goal was to heal the illnesses that had plagued me since birth, but from the very first session, I began to feel energetic and spiritual shifts. Having read about and listened to spiritual transformations that other people had experienced, I was moved to tears when I realized that these transformations were happening in minutes as Sirriya or I received liberating information from consciousness. Since Sirriya received the original downloads in 2015, consciousness has continued to send more protocols allowing for greater and greater liberation from anything that limits us.

My own experience is that consciousness is benevolent and lovingly moves me into a more awakened state of being. As I have experienced this healing, I have learned to live from my true self and not my conditioned self. In the true self, there is no separation as we are all infinite consciousness. It is our birthright to live in the sense of oneness and connect to this deeper intelligence. As healers, we experience ourselves as conduits for this high-frequency energy from consciousness. We are not the “doers,” we are just receiving information that allows us to support this evolution to our highest infinite potential. There is no greater joy than to serve as this conduit liberating others so that we can move beyond the limitations of our egos and our conditioned minds. 

If I were listening to someone communicate what I have written above, a number of years ago, I would have thought that this person was delusional. I feel so fortunate that from my first session with  Sirriya, I felt a profound peacefulness that I previously could only attain for short periods of time when I was meditating but couldn’t hold for very long. 

Everything I’m sharing comes from direct experience and not from any study of spirituality or experience with spiritual practices. The enhanced states of being that I have experienced are a direct result of an opening up to consciousness that occurred as a result of the morphic awakening protocols. After a short period of time, consciousness began to spontaneously transmit healing and awakened energy, and unexpectedly I would have symptoms healed, or energetic states enhanced when I was not doing protocols. A portal had been opened, and I could simply receive.

As practitioners, we connect to the oneness that we all are and have the liberating experience of dissolving the ego, and other limiting or contaminating fields of information. As I have learned to see with the eyes of this deeper intelligence, and not my human eyes everything I see is indescribably beautiful, and I find myself looking at so-called “ordinary” things and rejoicing in their extraordinary beauty. I am moved by the infinite beauty that exists all around me. There is no way to describe what I see because these visions are beyond the human experience. All of my senses are more vibrant, food tastes different, and music sounds infinitely more beautiful. I am simultaneously experiencing greater and greater joy, peace, gratitude, and an expanded experience of giving and receiving love. 

I would like to share the following videos with you to enhance your experience of this healing modality. I would love to have you play in this expanded, loving consciousness.  If there is any way that I can support you in your own exploration of greater fulfillment, please don’t hesitate to contact me.      interview I     healing session