Morphic Play

To check frequency, use muscle testing. Whatever method of muscle testing you use, you have a feedback loop for what is weak or strong and a method of determining the frequency of any issue. To calibrate the frequency, you can start counting 10-20-30, up to 100, and if your fingers don’t break, keep counting, but this time you can go 100-200-300, etc. until you get a break. The break tells you what the frequency is, so we go from 0 to 1,000. 


You can use any protocol, including the infinity protocol, to clear any issues that you find are weak and raise their frequency. You might want to check the frequency of your repetitive thoughts.

After making a shift, make sure the higher frequency has entered the following by finding if there is a weakness (low-frequency), and then simply saying "Remove, Neutralize and Clear" (RNC), to take out the low-frequency, followed by "Enter, Activate And Transform" (EAT), and "Phased Oscillations, Sequenced Information Order" (POSIO), and accept, receive, reset, experience.

To play further, you can look for weaknesses in other dimensions, time and space, other lifeforms (vegetable, animal, mineral, alien and unknown), past and future lives, holographic realities, morphic fields, wormholes, black holes, other universes, open space, the unknown.

You can check to see whether an issue is weak due to influences (from i.e., ancestors, past lives, or future lives family, peers, the collective). Wherever you feel the weaknesses, i.e., ancestral, you strengthen that issue either with or you can just say, "Remove, Neutralize and Clear" (RNC). That means you are removing, neutralizing, and clearing any interferences that are causing the low-frequency. After that clearing, you input higher frequency information by saying, "Enter, Activate And Transform" (EAT).

See if the issue affects different bodies. I.e.: open spaces, causal, etheric, Astral, psychic, soul, spiritual, mental, physical (i.e., respiratory system, renal system, hepatic system, endocrine system, reproductive system, circulatory system, enteric nervous system), emotional (you might want to check out what emotion i.e., grief, rage, fear, trauma, hopelessness, helplessness, guilt, jealousy). If you find a weakness in any of these, you can do the infinity or RNC and EAT to clear low-frequency energy and enter new high-frequency energy.

To play further, you can check for weaknesses in the meridians-conception vessel, a governing vessel across the small intestine, heart, large intestine gallbladder, spleen, stomach lung, kidney, pericardium, triple warmer, gallbladder. You may also check the nervous system — cranial brain, brain stem, sacral brain, spinal cord, meninges, enteric nervous system, coccyx brain, heart brain, vagus nerve, parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, spinal nerves, peripheral nerves, and cerebral spinal fluid.

Check the following to see if higher frequency info has entered: past/present/future, mind/body/spirit, subconscious/conscious- illuminated sources of information, DNA, meridians, vagus nerve, and spinal cord.

Finish by checking that the information has been "Accepted, Received, Reset, Restored and Experienced" (ARRRE) in all dimensions, time and space, other lifeforms (vegetable, animal, mineral, alien and unknown), past and future lives, holographic realities, morphic fields, wormholes, black holes, other universes, open space, and the unknown. Wherever you find a weakness, you can use the infinity, RNC, and enter EAT to remove the low-frequency information and enter new higher frequency energy.